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Mobile Landline & Zoom
Expand your mobile landline telephone system with Zoom integration!

Zoom & Mobile Landline

If your company deals a lot with video calls or digital conference rooms (or wants to), Zoom integration for mobile landline is an ideal addition!

Whether it’s a spontaneous video call, an internal meeting with screen sharing, virtual product presentations with customers, or webinars, Zoom offers numerous advantages in the video segment.

Zoom Benefits

The capacities of Zoom are remarkable. Through internet links, as well as through telephone connections in areas with poor bandwidth (e.g., trains/planes), up to 1,000 users can participate in a Zoom meeting.

Education features such as breakout rooms for temporary group work, as well as voting functionality and file sharing via chat, are practical tools for various needs.

Video conference room solution for every need

  • From home office setups to boardrooms, everything is possible – for different room sizes, an installation with suitable hardware is recommended.
  • Zoom is compatible with several well-known hardware manufacturers.
  • Three cables and a one-time setup are sufficient to connect a conference room device with Zoom. The settings made can be transferred to other devices.